Olaf Schirm

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Thinking Symboter
Neues / 28. Mai 2007

Nigeria Connection



Der moderne Nigerianer trägt heute vor allem weiss, zwei x Chromosome, lange Haare und einen yahoo account und zumindest für die Suche nach Freunden auch einen Eintages account bei myspace, einem Tummelplatz von Spammern, Scammern und billigen Geschäften.
Maureen J:


Hier z.B. mein sehr intimer email Kontakt mit Marry:
(das ist mein erster Versuch, Strategie ist z.B. Textfragmente von ihr zu nehmen und so zu tun als ob man total verliebt ist und sie treffen will etc. Ich probier hier viel aus. Es scheint so zu sein, dass es fast egal ist was man schreibt….
Alle versuchen einen auf yahoo zu ziehen, weil man in myspace ausgeschlossen werden kann und dann der Kontakt abreissen würde. Natürlich starte ich immer zeitgleich eine Beschwerde bei myspace…)


How are you doing, Am Marry Jon 29 yrds old, Single and never been married, Have no kids. i grown up in Tn, USA. I work with my father as his personal auditor and we move around for his contracts where ever he is awarded. my mother died when i was 15 yrds old. I..’m on net to meet someone I can get to know better. Someone who is God Fearing, loving, caring, honest, sincere, kind, Understand, with integrity, honesty, love, affection, handsome, and with such a charming personality. I will like to know more about you, what do you do? why are you here? Do you have a kids? Have you ever been in a serious relationship before? Hope to read from you can email me at (

Hi Marry,
I guess I fit your profile you are looking for.
Glad you found me.
I have no kids. i grown up in Munich, Grermany. I work self employed as technician. My father died when i was 38 yrds old. I..’m on net to meet someone I can get to know better. Someone who is God Fearing, loving, caring, honest, sincere, kind, Understand, with integrity, honesty, love, affection, handsome, and with such a charming personality.
Anything you want to know?
Let us stay here, I have no yahoo,
Hello symboter,

How are you doing, thanks for the mail, Am Marry Jon 29 yrds old, Single and never been married, Have no kids. i grown up in Tn, USA. I work with my father as his personal auditor and we move around for his contracts where ever he is awarded. my mother died when i was 15 yrds old. I’m on net to meet someone I can get to know better. Someone who is God Fearing, loving, caring, honest, sincere, kind, Understand, with integrity, honesty, love, affection, handsome, and with such a charming personality.

I am funny, hard working and an excellent cook. I enjoy camping, walking hand in hand with my lover,touching, being touched, gazing into your eyes, going to movies, to give a very good massage, and spending quality time with my lover. I also like reading, riding a bike, putting a smile on my lovers face, baseball, dancing, Jeopardy, comedy movies, leaving small surprises for my lover, cooking for my lover and friends. Did I mention that I like kissing? Seafood is my most favorite thing to cook and eat. Crabs, fish, lobster, shrimp, and oysters, I also love fresh corn on the cob, fresh strawberries, fresh salad and just about any vegetable.

I never thought I would find you, but here you are. I have been hurt before and I dont want to be hurt anymore thats why i’m a little bit careful when telling people about me. Most people I tell my story get mad at me but I think its the truth and the word of God says the truth shall set us free. Can I trust you to tell you my story? What are you looking for in a woman. I’m not looking for anyhow relationship I’m looking for who I can meet and settle down with to make babies. I would like to tell you a story about me which i’m scared to tell you cos i’m just meeting you. I need someone I can trust to tell my story cos my story is alittle bit weired, Let me know if I can trust you to tell you my stories.

Hope to hear from you soon.


I am so glad you did contact me again!
Thank you, I really appreciate it that you found me amongst the millions of other people here.
I am actually planning a trip to the USA soon and I would like to talk to you in more detail how and where we can possibly meet to learn more about us and see if we will be a couple till the rest of our lifes,
I am ready for it and you are a handsome woman,
I am sure we both can lead a happy life
God bless you
your symboter

Hello Symboter,

How are you doing?Thanks for the mail, I’ve been having a problem with my Dad who i live with but right now due to our differences, i have left the State after the death of my Mom in United State. My Dad works with Oil Contractors in Utah and Africa include some parts of the Asian and Uk. I work with my father as his personal auditor and we move around for his contracts where ever he is awarded.

My ex-boy friend, Johnson Mark, absconded with my dad’s money which was kept with me after a completion of a contract in Tn, USA. When my boy friend got absconded with the undisclosed sum of US dollars, this brought the first broke up between me and my dad, cos he thought, we have the deal together, but not knowing that I’m an innocent about this. So my dad has been harsh and tough against me about this.

Then when I perceived all his behaviors towards me and the bad acts of his newly gotten wife, i decided to United State to meet a friend in Lagos in west africa whom have meet during our stay there for acontract with N.N.P.C. I left because my dad have been treating me bad and stopped me from working with him ven having many access to his assets, and i felt no where to go than to leave the states.

Now, I’m in need of your help, have gotten the enuogh money to run myself when I get to the country, i want to come over to your end and stay with you for main time, I don’t want to live here anymore, you know I’m a foreigner here and it is absolutely danger for me here, so that is why i need your gesture assistance.

How i want you to help me? I have some money, which I’ve gotten from an over invoiced Contract renumeration executed by my dad with some contractors, so I have taken up the money from the contractors, but I’m hiding up from the girl I stayed with here in Lagos, because i might got setup if they know i haven such huge amount of money ($1.5 Million), so for me to be more safe and secure, I put this money in a box and got it locked up with a security code known to me only, and I deposited the box with some of my travelling luggages with a Security and Insurance Company who render private diplomatic delivery service and i told them that the two boxes are my travelling luggage, which I want to send forth to you in the country cos i’m coming to your end, then i paid them up their custody and security fee.

So, I want the boxes sent to you while i catch up with you as soon as it is been delivered to you while I pay you up your Rent charge and a reasonable amount for compensation, only 15% of the money in the box to you. Every arrangement for the delivery is kinda perfect, I have obtained customs papers for private freight and there are seals on the box showing that it is a private delivery and check performed, it is free from customs checks, it will be delivered at your door step by the diplomats of the security company, you do not need to burn out to receive it. And the boxes have security codes lock known to me only, only me can open the boxes, except if I tell anyone the Code, so the Boxes cannot be opened on the Way of delivery to you.

Therefore, I want you to contact me as soon as possible so that you can make the Clearance from the Security Company as the Recipient of my Boxes. And once the box gets, I will be there with you, then we can open the box together or i will tell you the code to open it, so that you can arrange everything properly before my arrival. Like I said, I will pay for your rent and fulfil my 15% promise of the money to you. I will appreciate your trust towards this and hoping to hear from you and to meet you inperson.

You can email me at (


Hi Marry,
to clarify our future relationship, I suggest I meet you next week in Utah.
If I like you and you like me, I am ready to be married, are you?
I cannot wait, please get in touch as soon as you can,
your loving Olaf


Hello Symboter,

I will appreciate your trust and help towards this. The boxes will only take 2-5days to be deliver to you. Below are my deposit details and the contact of the security company. You can write to the security company and instruct them that you want your fiancee’s deposited boxes sent to you.

While contacting the company, please do not let them know that the boxes contain money, just tell them that you want your fiancee’s deposited travelling luggages sent to you because I only tell them that the boxes are my travelling luggage, which I am sending to you. Then you ask them how much the clearance and the shipment fee would be.
Deposit Details

Deposit Number: GISA-POL-0669-PRVT3450
Sort/Clearance Code: GISA/576-45/MP56 33
Deposit Certificate #: GISA 33 94 07
Consignment Description: 2 Travelling Boxes
Depositor: Miss Marry Jon
Contact of Security Company
Contact Person: Mr David Wilfred (Custodian Manager)
Contact Email:

As soon as you contact the security company, kindly get in touch with me. I will as well send an acknowledgment email to the company to attestate to your request to have the boxes shipped to you in the State. You can give them the delivery information while writing to them.

Keep in touch.

Dearest Marry,
I am so happy that we can finally meet. You do not need too much luggage boxes at all as we can purchase all clothes and goods you are used to while we spend wonderful moments together in Utah. I am preparing my flight tickets now and have figured out as possible schedule:
Airport arrival: Salt Lake City Airport
Airline: Delta Air Line
Date: 17th June 2007
Arrival: 11:06pm
my Departure will be on the 25th so that we can spend a wonderful time.
Can you pick me up, or where are you staying?
I have already a gift for you and I am sure you will be very happy
cannot wait and I am counting the days,
your loving
(das geht noch weiter, letztlich lesen die die emails dann doch und winden sich aus möglichen Treffen heraus. Die Kommunikation bricht dann irgendwann, meist recht spät ab. Es gibt eine Künstlergruppe (, die sich zur Aufgabe gemacht hat die Scammer in völlig absurde Diskussionen und Situationen zu bringen, so z.B. schaffen sie es dass sich die Scammer mit einem Toastbrot auf dem Kopf fotografieren als Beweis ihrer Echtheit. Der sogenannte Vorkasse Betrug steht in Nigeria unter Strafe und ist als 419 Gesetz bekannt.)


Neues / 28. Mai 2007

Die Pottkriege

Die Pottkriege sind der grösste Blog der jemals gestartet wurde.
Man wird später bewundernd auf diese Anfänge schauen die diese
Urzelle haben keimen lassen und sie zu einem mächtigen Werk
anwachsen liessen, welches nie wieder gestoppt werden kann.

Es ist eine Geschichte zum Mitmachen von epischem Ausmaß
von berauschender Schönheit, von grausamen Intrigen,
von verzweifelter Sehnsucht und bedingungsloser Freundschaft.
Doch halt!
Erstmal müsst ihr wissen worum es geht:
Es gibt keine Regel ausser dass alles in dem Zusammenhang der
Pottkriege erzählt werden soll. Verpackt eure Ideen, Erlebnisse
einfach in die Form von den Tassen und Pötten,
in die Form von Kristallgläsern und anderen Figuren die zur
Geschichte passen.

Was ist die Geschichte?

Nun, die Pottkriege entstanden eigentlich viel später, zunächst
gab es ein harmonisches Zusammenleben zwischen Tassen und
Pötten. Sie teilten ihren Raum und ihre Erlebnisse und lebten
friedlich für lange Zeit zusammen bis eines Tages…..
In der Zeit des Friedens gab es viele schöne Erlebnisse, auch
bizarres, exotisches, aber davon später mehr.

Man munkelt, dass der Aufstand der Pappbecher zu dem Zerwürfnis
zwischen Pötten und Tassen geführt hat aber das weiss niemand
mehr so genau, oder? Die Historiker sind jedenfalls auf der Suche
nach jemandem der das Zeitgeschehen beobachtet hat oder
glaubwürdige Dokumente darüber besitzt.

Jedenfalls brach der Krieg aus und ein tiefer Graben entstand zwischen
den Tassen und den Pötten, kleine Einheiten von Servicen schlugen
sich hinter die feindlichen Linien und hinterliessen Scherbenhaufen
bei der gegnerischen Partei. Die feudal lebenden Kristallgläser sahen wie
ihr Reich und immer nähere Umgebung in Schutt und Asche gelegt wurde
und trafen sich unter billigen Tüchern versteckt, konspirativ um die
Angelegenheit zu besprechen und Lösungsmöglichkeiten zu finden
die schon lange andauernden Pottkriege zu beenden. Sie fragten
sich ob es jemanden gäbe, den sie anheuern könnten um ihr Problem zu
lösen. Und hier beginnt die Geschichte…

Neues / 27. Mai 2007

…und sie schwebten im Regen

Es war schon gemein. Da bereiten sich etliche hundert Tänzer und Musiker auf den Paradezug zum Karneval der Kulturen vor und wie es dann losging regnete es bis der Paradezug im Ziel ankam. Danach herrlicher Sonnenschein, schade.

Tut mir echt leid, aber es war trotzdem ein Genuss die vielen fröhlichen Menschen zu sehen.

Und manche schienen im Regen zu schweben.

Neues / 27. Mai 2007

mein Auto hat TÜV!

Ach so, bevor ich’s vergesse: mein Auto hat diese Woche den TÜV bekommen.
Ein Wunder!

Wieder zwei Jahre Ruhe sofern es noch hält…

Neues / 27. Mai 2007

Sie kommen in Frieden…oder?

Heute auf dem Karneval der Kulturen ganz in der Nähe meiner Wohntonne in Berlin treffen sich wie der Name schon sagt alle möglichen Kulturen dieser Erde an einem Ort um gemeinsam dem Anderen Essen zu verkaufen, ihn betrunken zu machen oder ihm Batikhemdchen überzustülpen, nachdem man ihm eine Holzpuppe oder Topffplanze in die Hand gedrückt hat.

Hey, aber ich mags.

Man begegnet sich und geht aneinander vorbei als ob die Kontinentaldrift bereits um Jahrmillionen fortgeschritten wäre. Aber bei dem Wirrwar der Kulturen mischen sich eventuell auch andere Lebensformen unters Volk um uns unauffällig auszuspähen. Wie diese hier, wahrscheinlich schwer bewaffnet….
