Über Symboter bei DieOrDiy
Plattform “Die Or Diy” berichtet über meine Musik auf Cassette “Matrix, Synchrotron und Phon-Ethik” .
Zu “Phon-Ethik” wird dort geschrieben: A cassette full of beautiful analogue warmth, with quite a few decent tunes.… Honest electronic musik before it was turned into the ultimate W.M.D (weapon of mass distraction). Also, the best Symboter cassette.
Zu “Synchrotron” wird geschrieben: More Tangerine Dream/Kraftwerk/soundtrack library music hybrid from Symboter. Crammed full of top of the range analogue beauty, from a treasure trove of classic synthesizers in Symboter HQ;… Lovely stuff.
Zu “Matrix” steht dort: The vocoder use is especially pleasing, new Generation, being a prime example of who to subtly use this classic device. Fans of anything on Colin Potter’s Integrated Circuit Records will love this.