Press / 22. February 2019

Interview in stayinart magazine

In issue 2.19 of the glossy art magazine “stayinart” you can read an interview by Jana Noritsch with me about science art and my works. This is remarkable because this art form finds little public space, both in the media and in the public sphere. Click here for the interview online

Olaf Schirm with stayinart magazine
Press / 17. October 2018

ART THINKING keynote at DAM Gallery Berlin

I just rediscovered a short (10min) recording by a viewer of my biographic talk about ART THINKING – how an artist thinks and how this determines his actions.

The keynote took place at DAM GALLERY in Berlin, which kindly provided the venue for Wolfram Roßner’s (briefly shown at the beginning) young project: Art Thinking.

(The video was recorded in 2019, the project has been discontinued due the pandemic or is dormant).

In the keynote I summarized my entire career in bullet points for the first time and made it accessible to the public. The format was a 10 minute impulse talk. The audio is unfortunately not very good, but I think you can understand most of it (german language only). Enjoy!

News / 28. June 2018

Exhibition “transformart 2018”

The curatorial team of transformart has selected two works by me and Matthias Moseke for the exhibition transformart 2018 in Berlin. We had submitted a joint exhibition concept, as our works touch on similar themes and therefore the lighting of e.g. aspects of the formation of forms and the decay of forms in a room of two different artists with different material is exciting.

I exhibit these artworks:


and for the first time:


“transformart” takes place annually on the grounds of the transformer plant Oberschöneweide and shows the works of about 80 artists with concerts and performances in the accompanying program.

Opening Thursday, 28. June 19:00 – 22:00
Wilhelminenhofstr. 83-85, 12459 Berlin
The exhibition is on view until 01.07.2018, FR/SA 14:00 to 22:00, SUN 14:00 to 19:00