Press / 14. February 2021

Oscar technical award 2021

At this years (2021) Oscar Technical Achievement Award, which was held digitally due to the corona pandemic, my ground braking idea and development of a facial motion tracking device: the FaceTracker was honored. Too bad they did not award this disruptive development, which was the foundation of the whole process of head mounted optical facetracking, but the Academy gave the price to the company Standard Deviation which took my idea and developed it further. The price wace given to the company which served the most facetracking devices actually used in movie production. Under these conditions, of course US based companies in the Hollywood circumfence were preferred.
Standard Deviation founders worked in the same studio as I did at that time, at a company called Mr. Film, run by Chris Walker. Chris was a technology driven producer, but always short in money. So, instead of buying one of my FaceTrackers, he asked his technicians to copy it. Of course they improved it further. I never received any royalties. Anyway, I sold about 100 of my units to other mayor movie and 3D anmiation companies such as Disney Imagineering, Sony Picture Imageworks and Warner Brothers.
Standard Deviations grew with their Facetracker sales and still are in business. Their founder was so fair to mention my name in his list of thanks during the award presentation.
Thanky you Babak, anyway.

FaceTracker original product by Olaf Schirm
News / 31. July 2020

New object: 1 meter 50

An object I created during the Corona pandemic. It addresses the officially demanded contact safety distance of 1.50 meters in Germany which turned into an iconic figure.

News / 24. June 2020

Art against Corona

In the “Art against Corona” online exhibition on the platform “e-mERGING artiSTS” some of my works are shown, including my Corona work “Lockdown-Bot”. Thanks to the curator Lily Fürstenow for this!

Here is some information from the website: “This exhibition is an ongoing project that aims to exhibit online the work of contemporary artists across the globe to analyse the topic of Corona and the crisis caused by the disease on the global scale. Since Gallery visits are a problem “Behind the Facades” occasionally offers the virtual view into the public and private art spaces where access is otherwise impossible. Allowing to analyse art in certain contexts and given settings. All artists are welcome to participate, irrespective of age and country of origin. All kinds of formats are welcome. With this project ARE/artistic research and curator Lily Fürstenow would like to support and explore the creative potential of arts in the times of crisis. Please write us on FB or by e-mail:
